Cashew nutshell oil type curing agents for epoxy resins
Our series of Cashew nutshell oil type curing agents (Phenalkamines) are unique hardeners that possess the rapid curing characteristics of the aliphatic polyamines while also exhibiting the non-volatility and low toxicity associated with polyamides. They are composed of aliphatic polyamines attached to an aromatic backbone with an aliphatic side chain.

Epoxy systems based on our Cashew nutshell oil type curing agents provide the following benefits:
• room temperature and low temperature cure
• fast cure / long pot-life
• low price; can greatly lower the cost of your epoxy system.
• compatible with a wide variety of organic solvents and resins.
• excellent chemical resistance, especially acids and alkalis
• excellent water/salt water resistance
• flexibility, especially at low temperatures
• impact resistance
• good flexibility
• exceptional bond strength
• excellent electrical properties
• low toxicity and volatility
• non-critical mix ratios
Applications fields:
heavy duty industrial coatings
marine and offshore coatings
coatings for the transportation industry
coatings for concrete and for construction industry.
For TDS or other information please just email us.